Javascript convert hex to decimal, binary to hex, octal in turn
Conversion between systems is a common thing in the process of writing a program. Various programming languages have the conversion methods from a system to another system, some provide direct conversion methods, and some need to write conversion codes. Javascript provides a conversion method, and directly calls two functions to achieve conversion between the systems.
Commonly used hexadecimal conversion: hex to decimal or decimal to hex, binary to decimal, hex, octal, octal to decimal, hex, etc. Then look at how to use javascript to realize these conversion between systems.
I. Conversion function (method) of system in Javascript
1. object.toString([radix])
The "object" is a conversion object; the "radix" is the system number to be converted to.
2. parseInt(object, [radix])
The "object" is a required option, it is a conversion object.
The "radix" is optional, and means the system of object, the range is from 2 to 36; if the "radix" is missing, the character string starting with 0x is converted to hexadecimal, the character string starting with 0 is converted to octal, all other strings decimal.
II. Javascript convert hex to decimal
var x = 0x20;
x.toString(10);//Convert hex to decimal
Output: 32
parseInt(x, 10)
Output: 32
III. Javascript decimal to hex
var x = 20;
x.toString(16);//Decimal to hex
Output: 14
IV. Javascript convert binary to decimal, hex and octal
var x = 110;
parseInt(x, 2);//Convert binary to decimal
Output: 6
Convert Binary to hex javascript
var x = 10111100;
x = parseInt(x, 2);//Convert binary to hex
x = x.toString(16);//Convert decimal to hex
Output: bc
Javascript convert binary to octal
var x = 10111100;
x = parseInt(x, 2);//Convert binary to octal
x = x.toString(8);//Convert decimal to octal
Output: 274
Javascript convert decimal to binary
var x = 7;
x.toString(2);//Convert decimal to binary
Output: 111
var x = 0xa;
x.toString(2);//Convert hex to binary
Output: 1010
var x = 032;
x.toString(2);//Convert octal to binary
Output: 11010
V. Javascript octal to decimal, hex
var x = 032;
x.toString(10);//Octal to decimal
Output: 26
var x = 032;
x.toString(16);//Octal to hex
Output: 1a
var x = 32;
x.toString(8);//Decimal to octal
Output: 40
var x = 0x32;
x.toString(8);//Hex to octal
Output: 62
In fact, system conversion uses toString() and parseInt() two methods in javascript, as long as you know how to represent hexadecimal, octal and binary numbers, just call them.
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