C# declare datetime variable, its range and type conversion tostring

Lionsure 2020-08-24 Original by the website

1. Datetime range

Datetime is used to declare date variables, its "namespace" is "System", and the value range is 0001-01-01 00:00:00.0000000 to 9999-12-31 23:59:59.9999999.


2. C# declare datetime variable

DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;

DateTime dt = new DateTime(2020, 8, 23, 16, 59, 18);


DateTime dt1, dt2;//The default value is 0001-1-1

DateTime dt1 = DateTime.Now, dt2 = new DateTime(2020, 8, 24);

DateTime[] dtArr = {DateTime.Now, new DateTime(2020, 8, 24)};//Date array



3. C# datetime tostring(Convert datetime to string c#)

DateTime d = DateTime.Now;

string day = d.ToString();

string day = Convert.ToString(d);



4. C# datetime tostring(Output format)

DateTime d = DateTime.Now;

string day = d.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");//Output month, day and year, such as 8/24/2020

string hms = d.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");//Output month, day, year, hour, minute, and second, such as 08/24/2020 05:13:56


string day = d.ToShortDateString();//Output month, day and year, such as 8/24/2020

string hm = d.ToShortTimeString();//Output hour and minute, such as 5:17 PM


string day = d.ToLocalTime().ToString();//Converted to local time, such as 8/24/2020 5:18:14 PM

string day = d.ToLongDateString();//Output month, day and year and week, such as Monday, August 24, 2020

string hms = d.ToLongTimeString();//Output hour, minute and second, such as 5:19:49 PM